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CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution) and MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution)

Chlorine Dioxide Solution

The simplified claim is that Chlorine Dioxide has the potential to cure many illnesses from viruses, bacteria, fungus, and even cancers... giving it the nickname "The Universal Antidote".

Some experts in the water-works community, who are familiar with the use of Chlorine Dioxide, claim that it works great for purifying water, but would absolutely not work as a cure for any illnesses.

Note that CDS and MMS are not the same thing.  CDS is basically the "purified" form of MMS.  So, dosages will be different, depending on which substance is being referred to.

Some have assumed/speculated that President Trump was referring to Chlorine Dioxide when he spoke of "the disinfectant":

The best video about Chlorine Dioxide that we have seen:

How to make Chlorine Dioxide Solution:

*Note that you do NOT drink the concentrated 3000ppm CDS.  That is what you draw smaller amounts from and mix with water.

The common drinking concentration is made by taking 10mL of CDS and adding it to 1 Liter of water in a bottle, then drinking small portions of it throughout an entire day until it's gone.

Andreas Kalcker appears to be the world expert on CDS, and his official website is here:

Note that, outside the United States, fractional numbers are sometimes expressed using a comma (",") instead of a decimal point (".").  Also remember that english may not be their primary language, so sometimes you may have to interpret a little bit.