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Parasite Protocol & Cleanse

Parasite Protocol

The simplified claim is that most cancers (and many other conditions) are caused by parasites; therefore, the parasite protocol has the potential to cure most cancers and many other disorders.

This protocol utilizes multiple substances such as Fenbendazole, Ivermectin, Doxycycline, and a few others, for a broad-spectrum strategy as well as substances that help cleanse the gut.
It is important to begin the protocol relative to moon-phases because of how parasite lifecycles work.  This timing helps kill parasites more efficiently.

A Quick Overview Video of this Parasite Protocol & Cleanse:

Personalize any protocol
(A, B, C, Anti-Viral, or Lyme)
with your body-weight and dates:

An Example Approach

1st Month
(Begin 2 days before full/new moon)

 Use Protocol A*

2nd Month

Use Protocol B

3rd Month

Use Protocol B

4th Month

Use Protocol A

5th Month

Use Protocol A

6th Month

Use Protocol A

7th Month +

Use Protocol C

*It's suggested to begin with Protocol B if treating cancer.

Continue Protocols (A or B) until you've gone 3 consecutive months without any of the following:

🤒 Symptoms of your condition
🤒 Symptoms from herxheimer reactions
💩 Evidence of parasites in feces

Special note from the protocol regarding Doxycycline:
"repeat for 3 months, then discontinue", (since most folks don't need it longer than 3 months)