ContrabandCures Banner
Disclaimer: This website and its contributors do NOT claim any of the substances referred to are cures or treatments for any disease or condition.  By using this website, you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions of Use.

Purported Cures that Give Hope

Prayer and The Word of Our Lord

FSM Parasite Protocols

Parasite Protocol & Cleanse

Zelenko Protocol

CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution)

Vitamin B17, Amygdalin, or Laetrile

Dr. Burzynski & Antineoplastons

Amish Farmer's Herbal Salves


Joe Tippens Protocol

the missing piece
Coming [Soon]

Alkaline Diet
Coming [Soon]

(page not yet finished)

Low Sugar Diet
Coming [Soon]

(page not yet finished)

External Links You Might Find Helpful

Before taking additional meds, always check for possible drug interactions.

Purchase drugs that would normally require a prescription, but since they're from outside the USA, they are OTC. (Expect weeks for delivery)

Drug dosage information

Information about the COVID-19 "Pandemic"


An Article on an Official Government Website:

The 😷🤡 Show we all Experienced:

What If